Beach Party Quest

Beach Party Quest
Beach Party - Coming Soon, Watch out

Official Web Site

World Party Tokyo has a new official web site.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

3/11 Japan Earth Quake News#7 Emergency Nmbers

Emergency numbers

Emergency messaging service 
If you're stranded and you need to leave someone a message, dial 171, then 1, then your own home phone number, then leave your message. To pick up a message, it's 171, then 2, then your home phone number (the number you think the stranded person would have left).

NHK TV messaging service
If you want to send a message to someone in the affected areas where all phone lines are down, NHK will broadcast your message on their TV service. The numbers on which to place your message are 03 5452 8800, or 050 3369 9680.

Tokyo Gas
If you're still having trouble with your gas supply, call Tokyo Gas on 0570 002211 (03 5722 0111 from mobile phones). The company has English-language guides available for download here.

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