Beach Party Quest

Beach Party Quest
Beach Party - Coming Soon, Watch out

Official Web Site

World Party Tokyo has a new official web site.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

3/11 Japan Earth Quake News#9 Donate

A credit card transaction or a registration harldy takes any time, 
it takes more for you to decide if you wanna contribute to the act
its means lot more for those rescue organizations trying to help
and for those suffering out there, all they can do is 'HOPE

The official advice is not to move from the area you are currently in. Until things are considered more stable, it is suggested that you stay local to your house, so as not to overcrowd transportation and disaster relief routes. Heading to the afflicted area will only crowd the situation, putting more pressure on the limited resources they currently have. For the time being, money donations are considered to be the best way you can help. 

Following are some recommended English sites through whom you can donate
Click on the icon to redirect to the website.

American Red Cross

Donation Starts from: Any amount
Payment Type: Credit Card, Amazon Payments

Save the Children
Donation Starts from: Any amount
Payment Type: Credit Card

International Medical Corps

Donation Starts from: Any amount
Payment Type: Credit Card
*Matching Gift


Donation Starts from: Any amount
Payment Type: Credit Card(Visa, Master Card)

Donation Starts from: Any amount
Payment Type: Credit Card(Visa, Master Card, JCB. Amex)

*Matching Gift: The organization contributes and equivalent of your donor.
That is, the total contribution from the organization would be a double to the accumulated donor amount

But if you can manage Japanese, my personnel recommendation would be
Yahoo or Groupon (The sites are in Japanese) as suggested in the earlier post because they have the *matching gift policy and the money goes to the Japanese Red Cross Society who are the biggest relief workers in Japan.

Yahoo Volunteer
Donation Starts from: 500 Yen
Payment Type: Credit Card
*Matching Gift, (Yahoo registration req)

Donation Starts from: 200 Yen
Payment Type: Credit Card
*Matching Gift, (Groupon registration req)

Those who finds it difficult to make an online credit or bank transaction, WORLD PARTY TOKYO is planning a charity event
to raise funds directly. We plan to support the Japanese Red Cross Society. The event would share information from different organizations and individuals on 'What we can do' (Volunteer activities and donations). Donations to the fund are accepted but not compulsory.

The Event Date is March, 21 MON evening, details will be uploaded soon.
Walk in to find out whats possible. Please do participate.

1Yen, 1 Idea, 1 Interested Person will make a difference

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