Beach Party Quest

Beach Party Quest
Beach Party - Coming Soon, Watch out

Official Web Site

World Party Tokyo has a new official web site.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

3/11 Japan Earth Quake News#8 Tips for Earthquake Safety

Good Morning Japan,

Its Sunday 3/13, 7.15 a.m. Tokyo city has calmed down. The Panic has come down and its time every body sits down with a cup of tea and think calmly as to what to do next.

First: Be self prepared.
After Shocks are expected for the next 2 months. We had one big very unexpected, lets hope its does not repeat at the same time be strong and be prepared to take on any.

This what you got to do at the time of earthquake.

You might have had seen/heard this a 100 times, but did your practice it?
Calm your mind and re-think, lets just go through it again. 

For a detailed explanation of safety measures before-during-after earthquake
lovetoknow web-site has a detailed article.

Something to remember: Japanese buildings are build to take on earthquakes.
So nothin would collapse so quick. Your prepared, you ll be safe.

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